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Political and Social News

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As Sri Lanka looks to push its digitalisation agenda, plans are afoot to present the Cyber Security bill in parliament

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The Fort Magistrate has issued an order preventing National People's Power (NPP) Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake and 25 others from engaging in protest or demonstration in several areas in the Colombo Fort causing inconvenience to the public and motorists from 1.00 pm till 8.00 pm today.

Sunday, 26 February 2023 08:13

New tourism mobile app from March 1: Harin

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Sri Lanka Tourism Ministry to launch a tourism mobile app from March 1 for the benefit and provide protection to tourists and to save them from the nefarious activities by three wheeler drivers, Tourism Minister Harin Fernando said.

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A statement given regarding the presidential election

Saturday, 25 February 2023 14:15

Mayantha to resign from COPF Chair

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SJB MP Mayantha Dissanayake has decided to resign from the chair of Committee on Public Finance.

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The government has settled the majority of the arrears to the tune of Rs.191 billion to contractors and suppliers, after assuming power on August 31, last year, despite an 8 percent contraction in the economy during the year, Finance State Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya said.

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Claiming that the President had no right to express his opinion on the legality of declaring the Local Government election JVP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake said yesterday if there was any issue with regard to the declaration of the election, it should be resolved in the Courts.

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The Delimitation Commission received numerous requests for retention of caste-based demarcations of electoral wards of the local authorities but they were not entertained, an official said.

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The Court of Appeal today further extended its interim order preventing Justice Ministry officials from deducting the Advance Personal Income Tax (APIT) from the monthly salaries of the High Court Judges and judges of Judicial Service Association until March 1.

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As part of the regular reviews by the Committee of 18 independent international experts, the UN Human Rights Committee will hold its upcoming session from February 27 to March 24, to review Sri Lanka and five other countries.

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