Sunday, 17 September 2023 12:04

Two new higher yielding pomegranate varieties successful Featured

Following a research, the Agriculture Department has found two new varieties of pomegranates which give higher yields that can be successfully grown in Sri Lanka.

The research team said the two new pomegranate varieties are suitable to be cultivated in Sri Lanka and their efforts have been extremely successful.

These two varieties with high yields and very sweet are to be introduced for cultivation in Sri Lanka in the next few months.

A large quantity of pomegranates and seeds are imported to Sri Lanka from India and other countries.

Therefore, the government loses a large amount of foreign exchange annually.

Aiming to avoid this situation, the two new pomegranate varieties have been identified by the Agriculture Department.

These two new varieties that can be cultivated in the dry zones have now been cultivated in the agricultural research farms of Norochcholai and Weerawila and have proved to be successful.

(Chaturanga Pradeep Samarawickrama)

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