Tuesday, 19 September 2023 09:02

Less than 30% Sri Lankans in favour of IMF program: Verité Research Featured

Approximately 28% of the population believes Sri Lanka’s ongoing program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will make things better for Sri Lanka’s economy in the future, according to a new survey released yesterday by Verité Research.

In contrast, approximately 45% of Sri Lankans believe the $ 2.9 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) program will make things worse for the economy in the future.

The survey posed the question, “How is Sri Lanka’s IMF program contributing to the present and future of the economy?” to the respondents.

Of the respondents, 28% selected option one or two and 45% chose option three or four. The remaining 27% selected the last option.

The poll was based on an island-wide, nationally representative sample of responses from 1,008 Sri Lankan adults, conducted in June 2023


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