Thursday, 21 September 2023 08:31

Sri Lanka Railways goes inder the hammer of privatization Featured

Sri Lanka Railways is set to be partly privatized under public private partnership to provide abetter convenientand efficient service for commuters in accordance with the governmnt’s IMF dictaded policy of restrcuturing state institutions.

The chariman of committee appointed to put forward proposals for the restructuring of Sri Lanka Railways K.D.S. Ruwanchandra said an interim report will be sent to the Cabinet at the start of next month.

The committee will consider proposals to cover the operating loss of Sri Lanka Railways and provide an efficient service.

Ruwanchandra said the committee also comprises a group of university lecturers.He said special attention will be directed to their opinions when preparing proposals.

The final report containing proposals on the restructuring of Sri Lanka Railways will be directed to the Cabinet at the end of next month.


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