Sunday, 15 October 2023 09:01

Government releases USD 30,000 for Lankans’ welfare in Israel Featured

Sri Lanka has allocated a total of USD 30,000 – USD 20,000 from the government and USD 10,000 from the Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau - to be used for the welfare of Sri Lankans in Israel in case of any emergencies, an official said.

Sri Lanka's ambassador in Israel, Nimal Bandara said that the funds have been repatriated to the embassy to be used as and when required.

He said two Sri Lankans are still missing and one injured after the tension flared up. The Israeli Foreign Ministry today released the list of foreign nationals affected by the war situation.

There are around 8,000 Sri Lankans working in Israel and 90 percent of them are caregivers in elders’ homes.

Despite tension in the areas bordering the Gaza strip and Lebanon, the ambassador said normalcy remains in other parts of the country

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