Sunday, 29 October 2023 09:21

Sri Lanka enhances trade across South, Southeast and East Asia Featured

In a strategic move to revitalise Sri Lanka’s domestic economy, the Government said yesterday it is placing a strong emphasis on two key components: expanding supply capacity and broadening market access.

The Government said Sri Lanka is not only looking to strengthen its ties with its largest traditional export destinations, namely the USA and the EU/UK, but also actively deepening its integration with regions in South Asia, South East Asia and East Asia.

One significant aspect of this economic strategy involves the negotiation and execution of bilateral trade agreements, the President’s Media Division said.

Currently, Sri Lanka has bilateral trade agreements in place with key South Asian partners, including India (India Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement – ISLFTA) and Pakistan (Pakistan Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement – PSFTA), with a primary focus on trade in goods.

Additionally, Sri Lanka enjoys access to South Asian markets through regional trading agreements, such as the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) and the SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA).

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