Saturday, 02 December 2023 07:45

Sri Lanka enters adventure tourism with first cable car operation Featured

Sri Lanka enters adventure tourism with first cable car operation

A groundbreaking partnership between the Board of Investments (BOI), Amber Adventure, Ambuluwawa Bio Diversity Center, and the technical and product expertise of China Machine-Building International Corporation has given birth to the establishment of the

Srilanka first-ever cable car operation is to be launched in the Ambuluwawa Bio Diversity Center with a groundbreaking partnership between the Board of Investments (BOI), and Amber Adventure

The agreement worth U$ 4.5 million has been inked in this regard between the relevant parties.

This unique venture promises not only to introduce novel experiences for international travelers but also marks the dawn of a new era in adventure tourism in Sri Lanka.

The collaboration, combining technical prowess and product expertise, aims to elevate the tourism offering, providing both local and foreign visitors with breathtaking 3500-feet above sea level cable car rides.

The cable car project boasts a total length of 1.5 kilometers, featuring three strategically located stations for convenient entry and exit.

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