Sunday, 10 December 2023 09:04

ADB approves $200mn to sustain economic stabilization efforts in Sri Lanka Featured

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has sanctioned a US$ 200 million concessional loan for Sri Lanka to help stabilize the country’s finance sector following the sovereign debt and economic crises that started in April 2022 after it suspended its external debt payments.

The Financial Sector Stability and Reforms Program comprises two subprograms of USD 200 million each.

In a statement, the ADB said subprogram targets short-term stabilization and crisis management measures that were implemented in 2023, while subprogram 2 is planned to be implemented in 2024 and focuses on structural reforms and long-term actions to restore growth in the banking sector.

The program will help strengthen the stability and governance of the country’s banking sector; improve the banking sector’s asset quality; and deepen sustainable and inclusive finance, particularly for women-led micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.


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