Tuesday, 02 January 2024 09:12

Colombo stock market ends 2023 on a high positive note Featured

The Colombo stock market yesterday ended 2023 on a positive note whilst notching up double digit gain for the year.

During the year the benchmark ASPI gained by 25.5% and active S&P SL20 gained by 16.4%. The average daily turnover amounted to Rs. 1.7 billion.

On a weekly basis, the ASPI gained 60.26 points (+0.57%) in December 2023 while the S&P SL20 index gained 58.33 points (+1.94%).

Asia Securities said the market wrapped up 2023 on a positive note with the indices in the green and selected banking stocks showing upward momentum for the second successive session.

Turnover was led by JKH (Rs. 87 million), SAMP (Rs. 55 million), and HAYL (Rs. 54 million).

Foreigners recorded a net inflow of Rs. 21.1 million. Net foreign buying topped in COMB.N at Rs. 21.1 million and selling topped in JKH at Rs. 22.4 million.

First Capital said the Bourse ended in the green for consecutive days for the first time in over 2 weeks and thus concluded the final day of trading for the year of 2023. Turnover was 47% lower than the month’s average of Rs. 1.2 billion.


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