Friday, 05 January 2024 09:45

Asiri Port City Hospital and TIQRI venture get key investment incentives Featured

US $ 100 million Asiri Port City Hospital recognised as a primary business, $ 100 Million TIQRI information technology venture recognised as a secondary business at Port City Colombo

The Government has approved crucial exemptions and incentives for two major projects within the Colombo Port City with each project worth $ 100 million.

The two projects include; Asiri Port City Hospital recognised and the TIQRI information technology venture.

Asiri Port City Hospital is recognised as a primary business of strategic importance whilst the TIQRI business is declared strategic significance as a secondary business in the Colombo Port City.

Previously, the two investment proposals initiated by the Asiri Port City Hospital and TIQRI Software Ltd., garnered approval as a primary and secondary business of strategic importance respectively

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