Friday, 26 January 2024 09:00

TISL files petition in SC against Microfinance and Credit Authority Bill Featured

The Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) petitioned the Supreme Court challenging the ‘Microfinance and Credit Regulatory Authority Bill’, stating that it fails to sufficiently address or introduce a fit scheme to enable the regulation of the extortive and predatory practices that microfinance lenders engage in at the grassroots levels.

The Bill was placed on the Order Paper of Parliament on 9 January 2024. TISL has argued in the Petition (SC SD 14/2024) that the Bill does not conform to the principles of reasonableness, proportionality, natural justice, separation of powers and legal certainty as required, and is thus violation of Article 83 of the Constitution as read with Article 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

The extortive and predatory practices faced by victimised customers/borrowers of microfinance schemes, among others include, sextortion/soliciting of sexual bribes, physical, mental, and emotional harassment and intimidation, and the application of extortive interest rates in the granting of loans.


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