Friday, 10 May 2024 13:12

Two floating solar pilot projects implemented on Chandrika Wewa, Kiriibban Wewa Featured

Two floating solar pilot projects were implemented on Chandrika Wewa in Embilipitiya and Kiriibban Wewa in Sewanagala and will be completed by July 2024, Power and Energy Ministry officials said.

They said the project was implemented with the partnership of the Sustainable Energy Authority and with financial and technical assistance of the Republic of Korea.

The two projects of 01 MW each on Chandrika Wewa in Embilipitiya and Kiriibban Wewa in Sewanagala were constructed with a financial grant from the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology of the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

It will be implemented with the technical assistance and construction by Yooshing Engineering (Pvt) Ltd., Bosung Powertec Co. Ltd., and Scotra Company Ltd.


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