Friday, 07 June 2024 11:34

Sherisha / Supreme Global combine international strengths to acquire Sri Lankan Airlines Featured

In a significant development, the Sherisha Technologies / Supreme Global Consortium has stenthened its bid to acquire Sri Lankan Airlines with the inclusion of several high-profile strategic partners.

This move comes as the consortium provides clarifications to the State-Owned Enterprises Restructuring Unit (SOERU) and notifies the Sri Lankan government of this significant advancement. Aviatin Minisry sources said.

SOE restructuring unit says clarifications raised at pre-bid meetings and responses provided are subsequently published on treasury website to ensure greater transparency

Sherisha Technologies / Supreme Global Consortium has patnered with Terminal Holdings LLC from Abu Dhabi owned by Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed al-Nahyan, one of the wealthiest individuals globally.

, Terminal Holdings brings a wealth of expertise and financial muscle to the consortium. Sheikh Tahnoon is a pivotal figure in Abu Dhabi’s business landscape, known for his substantial contributions to expanding the emirate’s business interests worldwide.

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