Wednesday, 02 August 2023 13:47

CB creates awareness on Anti-Money Laundering among gem and jewellery secto Featured

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka organised an awareness program for the gem and jewellery sector on “Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Compliance Obligations and New Developments” on 4 July 2023.

The industry of gems and jewellery, and precious metals and stones is a key contributor to the Sri Lankan economy. Sri Lanka is the ninth largest exporter of precious stones to the global market and one of the five most important gem bearing nations of the world.

Sri Lanka is also one of the world’s steadiest suppliers of topquality gemstones. However, Sri Lanka’s export contribution to economy is yet to match the other global stakeholders such as Thailand, which is an international trading hub for gem and jewellery and generates around $ 12 billion in export revenue, Hong Kong, which notches $ 30 billion.

As per the Central Bank Annual Report 2022, Sri Lanka earned $ 450 million as export income from gems, diamonds, and jewellery during 2022 while the annual average for the past 5 years was $ 298 million.




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