Thursday, 10 August 2023 10:02

India, Sri Lanka renew bid to link power grids - report Featured

India and Sri Lanka are giving a fresh impetus to the long-pending power grid connectivity between the two countries to trade electricity.

Work has started on updating a detailed project report for the connectivity either through overhead line or undersea cable in the sea portion of the connectivity, following a meeting on the proposal last month, said people familiar with the matter.

The timeline for a draft detailed project report is September 15, after which it will be discussed between the two sides for finalisation, they said.

Sri Lanka will carry out the necessary load flow studies for 2027-28 time frame of its network, considering 500 MW exchange from India through the proposed link.

India will study the necessary load flow studies on the combined network data based on the inputs from the Sri Lankan side. This is likely to be completed by August 21.

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