Wednesday, 04 October 2023 09:06

SL Customs keeps 435 seized vehicles at a private yard paying Rs 80 million Featured

Sri Lanka Customs is in a quandary in releasing or auctioning the vehicles and containers seized due to non-payment of applicable taxes and other reasons as a result of missing documents.

According to findings of the Auditor general’s query, 133 out of 435 veihicles confisticated by Sri Lanka Customs cannot be realesed in accordance with the 2023 budget proposal fue to missing relevant documents.

These vehicles and containers were kept at a site belonging to private firm paymg around Rs80 million as rent till the clearence for disposal after levying relevant taxes and fines or to auction it.

435 vehicles and 91 containers with various goods have been lying idle at the 18,000 square feet yard fron January 31 2023 up to now, audior general’s report revealed.

Of this 261 vehicles and 86 containers were there for more than five years, the report observed.



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