Monday, 09 October 2023 15:38

CoPE slams SL National Medicine Regulator for obstructing Auditor General Featured

The officials of the National Medicines Regulatory Authority were accused of obstructing the duties of the Auditor General and failing to provide documentation requested by him at the sitting of the Committee on Public Enterprises (CoPE) in parliament recently.

Officials from the NMRA were summoned before the Committee on Public Enterprises (CoPE) for an investigation into allegations of corruption, fraud, and irregularities.

The board of the NMRA in August had decided the Audit Office must request all documents required via writing.

The CoPE stressed that the NMRA has no authority to violate constitutional powers granted to the Auditor General.

Auditor General informed the CoPE that he is unwilling to cooperate with the audit of the NMRA due to concerns regarding the authority's actions as it has posed many challenges in continuing his audit work



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