Friday, 20 October 2023 16:03

IMF programme’s transparency falls to lowest point in September -Verité Research Featured

The latest update from 'IMF Tracker’ of Verité Research, an online platform which tracks the 100 identified commitments in Sri Lanka’s 17th programme with the International Monetary Fund (IMF),

shows that Sri Lanka verifiably met only 40 of the 71 trackable commitments that were due for completion by end-September 2023.

It also shows that Sri Lanka had, at the same time, reached its lowest point in terms of both performance and transparency since the programme commenced in March.

This is because the status of about 30% of the commitments due to be completed by end of September were unknown, and three of the four commitments due which specifically require the government to enhance transparency were not met.

This unveils a "twin deficit in transparency": (a) a growing lack of transparency in the progress of the programme, and (b) a growing failure to meet IMF commitments that call for increased governmental transparency.



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