Monday, 06 November 2023 10:25

People’s acceptance of the government drops to 9 percent Featured

The approval rating of the government fell from 21% in June 2023 to 9% in October 2023, according to the latest round of the Gallup style ‘Mood of the Nation’ poll of Verité Research.

The survey also highlighted a substantial decline in overall satisfaction with the state of the nation, which dropped to 6% in October, down from 12% in June 2023.

Furthermore, the economic confidence score saw a significant dip from negative (-) 44 in June to negative (-) 62 in October.

The Mood of the Nation poll is conducted three times a year and is based on an islandwide, nationally representative sample of responses.

The survey sample and methodology are designed to limit the maximum error margin to under 3% at a 95% confidence level, the Verité Research stated in a media release.



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