Tuesday, 28 November 2023 09:12

President questioned the allocation of freehold land for Shangri-La Hotel Featured

President questioned the allocation of freehold land for Shangri-La Hotel

President Ranil Wickremesinghe today questioned the allocation of freehold land for the Shangri-La Hotel while pondering why a similar privilege couldn't be extended to the hardworking farmers who have cultivated the land for generations.

He said this while addressing the gathering in Nochchiyagama, Anuradhapura today (26).

He emphasized the potential for generating foreign exchange through strategic land allocations, citing the example of providing land to the Shangri-La Hotel while underscoring the importance of modernizing the agriculture industry as a means to strengthen the export economy, President's Media Division (PMD) said.

In his address, President Wickremesinghe urged unity in working for the country, transcending political differences.

Reflecting on the challenges faced upon assuming office, he highlighted the successful efforts to stabilize the country's economic situation, steering it away from bankruptcy

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