Thursday, 07 December 2023 08:10

Sri Lanka Parliament to be prorogued in January? Featured

President Ranil Wickremesinghe is reported to be mulling prorogation of Parliament by the middle of January, next year.

Once Parliament is prorogued, pending businesses before the House will lapse, and the new Parliament, once convened by the President, has to resume them afresh.

The Speaker and the MPs will continue to function.The President can prorogue Parliament for a maximum period of two months.

In the proclamation announcing the prorogation, the new date for the convening of the House should be announced. At the end of a prorogation, a new Session begins and is ceremonially declared open by the President.

He is empowered under the Constitution to make a statement of government Policy in terms of the provisions stipulated in Paragraph (2) of Article 33 of the Constitution.



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