Monday, 11 December 2023 09:38

Russia to fortify bilateral ties on economic and security spheres with SriLanka Featured

Russia has confirmed the commitment to further fortify the bilateral relations between the two countries, in the economic and security spheres, as well as the cooperation between the two countries on international agenda issues.

This pladge has been given by Russia’s Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev has Thwhen he called on Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe during his recent visit to Colombo.

The Russian news agency TASS said the meeting “confirmed the commitment to further fortify the bilateral relations between the two countries, in the economic and security spheres, as well as the cooperation between the two countries on international agenda issues.”

The two sides have expressed interest in exchanging operationally relevant information and experience in countering cybercrime and drug-related crime, combating extremism, illegal arms dealing and human trafficking, and illegal immigration


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