Saturday, 06 January 2024 09:22

Govt. expedites legislation against religious distortion Featured

The government is in the process of evolving fresh legislation to curb or eliminate the distortion of core religious teachings by some individuals creating social tension, Buddhasasana, Religious, and Cultural Affairs Minister Vidura Wickramanayake said.

The Minister made these remarks in response to a query about the controversial preacher who provoked some of his followers to commit suicide in his sermons.

Wickramanayake said the Cabinet appointed a committee to look into such religious cults led by various individuals.

“We want to create an environment in which everybody can practice his or her religious within the legal framework of the country,” he told Daily Mirror.

Ministry Secretary Somaratne Vidanapathirane said he instructed the committee members to expedite work on the report to be submitted as early as possible. “We are planning to work out the legal framework based on it,” he said.


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