Tuesday, 16 January 2024 09:28

Govt. accused of trying to revise ‘Aflatoxin’ limit in children’s food Featured

The Public Health Inspectors’ Union (PHIU) alleges that the government is attempting to revise the permissible limit of ‘Aflatoxin’ contained in food supplements given to small children.

The Treasurer of the association, Roshan Kumara emphasized that if such a decision is taken, it will be a serious threat to the healthcare of the children in Sri Lanka.

The Public Health Inspectors’ Union made this allegation while joining a press conference held in Colombo.

Meanwhile, on November 21, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to revise the permissible Aflatoxin levels for local food supplement programmes, proportionate to those limits set in globally recognised food supplements.

Accordingly, the revision of the permissible levels of Aflatoxin had been discussed in the context of the Thriposha programme, provided under the Maternal and Child Health Program implemented by the Health Ministry.


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