Thursday, 11 April 2024 10:35

Sri Lanka’s labour force participation rate hits new low in 2023 Featured

Sri Lanka’s labour force participation rate hit a new low in 2023, the recently published Labour Force Survey (LFS) annual bulletin highlighted.

In 2023, labour force participation rate declined to 48.6 percent from 49.8 percent recorded in 2022. Since 2021, labour force participation rate has remained below the 50 percent mark.

The labour force participation rate is the percentage of the population that is either working or actively looking for work.

In 2023, the male labour force participation rate declined to 68.6 percent from 70.5 percent from a year earlier while the female labour force participation rate fell to 31.3 percent from 32.1 percent in the same period.

Meanwhile, in absolute terms, the employed population declined by 137,821 to just above 8 million in 2023, with male and female employed population declining by 66,402 persons and 71,412 persons.

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