Tuesday, 10 September 2024 09:36

Commonwealth and Sri Lanka review collaboration in combating climate change Featured

The Commonwealth and Sri Lanka reviewed collaboration in combating climate change.Foreign Secretary Aruni Wijewardane met with Patricia Scotland KC, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth at the Commonwealth Secretariat in London.

At the meeting both sides reviewed the ongoing collaborations between Sri Lanka and the Commonwealth Secretariat in diverse areas such as education, combating climate change, mangrove conservation and assistance in strengthening financial oversight.

Secretary General Scotland apprised the Foreign Secretary of the deployment of the Commonwealth Election Observer Group led by Danny Faure, former President of Seychelles to observe the forthcoming Presidential Election.

The Secretary General also highlighted that for the first time, the upcoming Commonwealth Summit will be held in a Pacific Island Member State of the Commonwealth – Samoa – and would draw attention to climate change and related challenges.

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