Saturday, 15 June 2024 11:31

Weekly economic indicators Featured

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*The reserve money increased compared to the previous week mainly due to increase in the currency in circulation and increase in the deposits held by the commercial banks with the Central Bank.

*The total outstanding market liquidity was a surplus of Rs.123.926 bn by the week ending 14th June 2024, compared to a surplus of Rs. 130.545 bn by the end of last week.

* By 14th June 2024, the All Share Price Index (ASPI) decreased by 0.03 per cent to 12,310.83 points and the S&P SL 20 Index decreased by 0.28 per cent to 3,645.29 points, compared to the index values of last week

*The T-Bill yield rates increased marginally in both primary and secondary markets. However, the T-Bond yield rates declined across maturities at the last primary auction while secondary market

*The outstanding stock of T-Bills and T-Bonds held by foreigners increased by 4 per cent in rupee terms during the reporting week compared to the week before and yield rates remained broadly stable during the week

*The weekly T-Bill auction was oversubscribed by 1.45 times and T-Bond auction was oversubscribed by 1.75 times during the reporting week.

* During the year up to 14th June 2024, the Sri Lanka rupee appreciated against the US dollar by 6.6 per cent


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