Thursday, 19 September 2024 10:54

IMF Team to reiew economy in Sri Lanka within Two Weeks; Featured

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IMF representatives are scheduled to visit Sri Lanka in two weeks to disburse the next instalment of funds, as outlined in the agreement between the Sri Lankan government and the International Monetary Fund, official sources confirmed.

.This visit wil l meteraialise the immediate access to SDR 254 million (about US $336 million) to support its economic policies and reforms.on Sri Lanka

The progress in meeting key commitments under the IMF-supported program is set to be formally assessed in the context of the next review of the EFF arrangement alongside the forthcoming 2024 Article IV consultation assessing Sri Lanka’s economic health.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) had previously said thenext review of Sri Lanka’s $2.9 billion bailout could be completedafter presidential elections , provided it manages to meet debt restructuring and revenue targets set under the programme.


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