Wednesday, 13 September 2023 10:12

Hold local probe monitored by foreign bodies: Church Featured

Whilst highlighting that two Commitees are to be appointed to probe Channel 4 allegations on Easter Sunday attacks, the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka yesterday called for an independent probe monitored by recognised foreign bodies and individuals.

This was highlighted by the archdiocese of Colombo Communication committee member Fr. Cyril Gamini Fernando.

"We have been told that the President is to appoint a new committee to probe the allegations made by Channel 4 on Easter Sunday attacks. A Presidential Commission and a select Commitee was appointed to probe the Easter Sunday attacks earlier. However these Commitees have not brought desired results, " Fr. Fernando said.

"Therefore we propose that an independent body should be appointed to probe the allegations made by channel 4 and also what had been revealed by previous investigations. We also suggest that recognized international bodies and individual bodies should be allowed to monitor the fresh probe in order to ensure impartiality, " he added.

Also it was reiterated that all officers in the intelligence units against whom allegations are made should resign till the fresh probe is completed.

(Yohan Perera)

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