Thursday, 23 May 2024 11:27

Strict laws against those distorting Buddha’s teachings – Ministry Secretary Featured

Buddha Sasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs Ministry Secretary Somaratne Vidanapathirana stated that the government intends to implement strict laws against those who distort the Buddha’s teachings.

In response to a complaint made by the Mahanayake Theras to the President regarding statements by various parties distorting the Buddhist doctrine, the government plans to enforce strict laws against such distortions, the Ministry Secretary said.

He said that based on the advice of the Mahanayake Theras, preliminary work has already been done to amend the Temporalities Act, currently in force, to ensure its immediate effect.

The process is now with the Legal Draughtsman.The aim is to prepare the necessary foundational law to act against those distorting the Buddhism, thus creating an environment where pure Theravada Buddhism can continue to thrive for centuries.”

The Ministry has appointed a panel of scholars to disseminate information related to the Thripitaka and Buddhist literature, to facilitate legal action against those distorting the Dhamma.

This panel, formed under the advice of the Three Mahanayaka Theras, includes Dr.Akuratiye Nanda Thera, Prof. Mawathagama Pemananda Thera and other Theras.

Additionally, a committee consisting of archaeologists and historians has been established to address and correct inaccuracies related to archaeology and historical statements. This committee is guided by Archaeologist Ven.Ellawala Medhananda Thera, with involvement from the Director General of Archaeology. The Ministry has already lodged complaints with the Criminal Investigation Department and taken steps to act against individuals who wear robes and distort the Dharma.


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