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University of Colombo


Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences

47/5, Vidya Mawatha, Colombo 7


Serendivus International ( Pvt) Ltd

243 1/3, Havlock Road, Colombo 06


Telephone+94-11 259 7772
Sri Lanka Medical Association

No.06,Wijerama Mawatha, , 00700




Allergy And Immunology (0/2)
Allergy Specialist (0/1)
Andrology And Male Fertility (0/1)
Applied Psychologist (0/1)
Ayurvedic & Alternative Medicine (0/1)
Back Pain Treatment (0/1)
Back Pain Treatment And Sports Medicine (0/1)
Behaviour Therapist (0/2)
Breast Feeding (0/5)
Cardiac Electrophysiologist (0/1)
Cardiaothoracic Surgeon (0/21)
Cardiologist (0/56)
Cardiologist And Cardiac Electrophysiologist (0/1)
Chest Physician (0/14)
Chest Specialist (0/16)
Child Psychiatrist (0/1)
Chiropractor (0/1)
Clinical Health And Child Psychologist (0/1)
Clinical Health Psychologist And Child Psychologis (0/1)
Clinical Hypnotist (0/2)
Clinical Oncologist (0/1)
Clinical Psychologist (0/1)
Co-Ordinating Dr (Sleep Medicine) (0/1)
Consultant Dental Surgeon And Prosthodontist (0/1)
Consultant Judicial Medicine (0/2)
Counseling Psychologist (0/2)
Counselling (0/4)
Dental And Maxillofacial Surgeon (0/2)
Dental Surgeon (0/43)
Dental Surgeon & General And Laser (0/1)
Dental Surgeon (Preventive Dentistry) (0/1)
Dental Surgeon / Restorative Dentistry (0/1)
Dermatologist (0/44)
Dermatologist And Hair Clinic (0/2)
Diabetic Care (0/1)
Diabetic Educator (0/1)
Diabetic Specialist (0/1)
Dietician (0/13)
Dietician & Nutrician (0/9)
Embryologist (0/1)
Endocrinologist (0/2)
Endocrinologist/Diabetologist (0/13)
Ent Surgeon (0/40)
Eye Surgeon (0/71)
Family /General Counselling (0/5)
Family Doctor Service (0/11)
Fertility Counselor / Clinical Embryologist (0/1)
Gastroenterological Surgeon (0/6)
Gastroenterologist (0/3)
Gastroenterologist And Hepatologist (0/4)
Gastroenterologist Surgeon (0/12)
Gastrointestinal Surgeon (0/5)
General Physician (0/5)
General Practitioner (0/2)
Geneticist (0/1)
Genito Urinary Surgeon (0/12)
Gynaecological Cancer Surgeon (0/1)
Gynaecologist (0/120)
Gynaecologist And Consultant In Fertility (0/3)
Gynaecologist And Obstrician (0/11)
Gynaecologist And Specialist In Sub-Fertility (0/1)
Gynaecologist,Fertility,Reproductive,Endocrinologist (0/1)
Haemato Oncologist (0/1)
Haematologist (0/18)
Haematologist- Clinical / Haemato Oncologist (0/1)
Hand Therapist (0/1)
Health & Child Psychologist (0/1)
Health Management Program (0/1)
Hepatobiliary Surgeon (0/1)
Immunologist (0/1)
Infertility Physician And Clinical Embryologist (0/1)
Interventional Radiologist (0/2)
Kidney Transplant Surgeon (0/1)
Laparoscopic & Bariatric Surgeon (0/1)
Laparoscopy And Colorectal Surgeon (0/1)
Liver Centre (0/2)
Medical And Clinical Geneticist (0/3)
Medical Examination(Visa) (0/5)
Medical Gastroenterologist (0/3)
Medical Microbiologist (0/3)
Medical Officer (0/4)
Medical Officer Well Women Clinics (0/1)
Memory Clinic (0/1)
Microbiologist (0/1)
Mycologist / Microbiologist (0/4)
Ncs/Emg (0/1)
Neonatal Paediatrician (0/3)
Neonatologist (0/1)
Nephrologist (0/15)
Nephrologist And Genaral Physician (0/1)
Neuro Physician (0/23)
Neurologist (0/2)
Neurophysiologist (0/1)
Neurosurgeon (0/22)
Nutrition Specialist (0/1)
Nutritionist (0/9)
Obstetrician And Fetal Medicine Specialist (0/1)
Obstetrician And Gynaecologist (1/22)
Occupational Therapist (0/15)
Oculoplastic Surgeon (0/1)
Onco Surgeon (0/4)
Oncological Surgeon (0/10)
Oncological Surgon - Surgon (0/1)
Oncologist (0/7)
Oncologist - Cancer Specialist (0/16)
Ophthalmologist (0/1)
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon (0/15)
Orthodontist (0/10)
Orthopaedic Surgeon (0/42)
Paediatric Cardiologist (0/8)
Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgeon (0/1)
Paediatric Consultant Radiologist (0/1)
Paediatric Dermatologist (0/1)
Paediatric Dermatologist And Dermatologist (0/1)
Paediatric Endocrinologist And Diabetologist (0/1)
Paediatric Interventional Cardiologist (0/1)
Paediatric Neonatologist (0/1)
Paediatric Nephrologist (0/3)
Paediatric Neurologist (0/9)
Paediatric Ophthalmologist (0/1)
Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon (0/1)
Paediatric Psychiatrist (0/1)
Paediatric Surgeon (0/10)
Paediatrician (0/113)
Paediatrician And Neonatal Paediatrician (0/2)
Paediatrics And Neonatology (0/1)
Paediatrics And Paediatric Neonatology (0/1)
Paediatrics And Paediatric Neuro Disability (0/1)
Pain Management (0/7)
Parasitologist (0/1)
Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon (0/1)
Pediatric Ophthalmologist (0/1)
Physician (0/182)
Physician & Endocrinologist (0/2)
Physician & Endocrinologists/Diabetologist (0/1)
Physician / Family Medicine (0/1)
Physician And Gastro Enterologists (0/4)
Physician And Immunologist (0/1)
Physiotherapist (0/15)
Plastic And Reconstructive Surgeon (0/1)
Plastic Surgeon (0/12)
Psychiatrist (0/66)
Psychiatrist (Child And Adolescents) (0/1)
Psycho Social Practitioner (0/1)
Psychological Counseller (0/8)
Psychological Counselling (0/6)
Psychologist (0/18)
Psychotherapist Counsellor (0/2)
Psychotherapist/Clinical Psychologist (0/6)
Radiologists (0/7)
Respiratory And Chest Physician (0/1)
Restorative Dentist (0/1)
Restorative Dentistry (0/3)
Rheumatologist (0/26)
Rheumatology And Rehabilitation (0/2)
S.T.D (0/5)
Scanning (0/2)
Sexual Health (0/2)
Sexual Medicine (0/3)
Sexual Medicine And Sexual Health (0/1)
Slim Clinic (0/1)
Speech And Language Therapist (0/11)
Speech Language Pathalogist And Audiologist (0/3)
Speech Pathologist/Therapist (0/2)
Speech Therapist (0/14)
Speech Therapist And Audiologist (0/2)
Sports Medicine (0/6)
Surgeon (0/130)
Thoracic Surgeon (0/7)
Transfusion Physician (0/3)
Transplant And Genito Urinary Surgeon (0/1)
Urological Surgeon (0/1)
Urologist (0/15)
Urologist & Transplant Surgeon (0/3)
Vaccinologisd (0/1)
Vaccinologist And Medical Virologist (0/1)
Vascular And Transplant Surgeon (0/4)
Vascular Surgeon (0/9)
Venereologist (0/5)
Vip Serene Centre-Nawaloka Only (0/11)
Virologist (0/1)
Weight Management And Sports Medicine (0/1)
Wellness And Weight Management (0/1)
There are 35832 listings and 1274 categories in our website